Qiaocheng Asset Management

Complaints Procedure

Qiaocheng Asset Management endeavors to provide the highest possible standards of service at all times. We take complaints very seriously and welcome the opportunity to resolve matters in a transparent, competent and timely manner.

Our aim is to resolve any expression of dissatisfaction as soon as possible. The majority of problems can usually be resolved within a few days; however, there may be times (if the investigation is complex and/or further inquiries have to be made) that the process takes longer.

To Whom To Address A Complaint

Complaints should be raised in the first instance with your usual Qiaocheng Asset Management advisor.

Alternatively, complaints can be submitted as follows to: Mr. Matthew Hicks

  • telephoning the CCO Chief Compliance Officer on: +852 8191 5414
  • sending an email to:
  • in writing to the Compliance Officer at the following address:

Qiaocheng Asset Management
59/F Bank of China Tower,
1 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong.

Handling The Complaint

‍Upon receipt of a complaint, the matter will be considered by the Compliance Officer and another suitably qualified person. This person will have the seniority to investigate the complaint effectively and will have the authority to resolve the matter. All relevant documentation, including the facts of the matter and client records, will be made available to the person investigating the complaint.

We will respond to your complaint in writing (either by letter or email) within five business days confirming that the matter is under investigation/review.

We will investigate your complaint promptly and keep you informed about the progress of your complaint and the action we are taking to resolve the complaint

Once we have completed our investigation of your complaint, which will be within three months after the date on which we first had sufficient information to start to investigate your complaint,

‍If we consider that your complaint is closed or not upheld, we will write to you to that effect, providing the reasons why we have rejected the complaint.

The Qiaocheng Asset Management contact details are as follows:
